SetACL by Helge Klein Homepage: Version: Copyright: Helge Klein License: GPL -O-P-T-I-O-N-S-------------------------------------------------------- -on ObjectName -ot ObjectType -actn Action -ace "n:Trustee;p:Permission;s:IsSID;i:Inheritance;m:Mode;w:Where" -trst "n1:Trustee;n2:Trustee;s1:IsSID;s2:IsSID;ta:TrusteeAction;w:Where" -dom "n1:Domain;n2:Domain;da:DomainAction;w:Where" -ownr "n:Trustee;s:IsSID" -grp "n:Trustee;s:IsSID" -rec Recursion -op "dacl:Protection;sacl:Protection" -rst Where -lst "f:Format;w:What;i:ListInherited;s:DisplaySID" -bckp Filename -log Filename -fltr Keyword -clr Where -silent -ignoreerr -P-A-R-A-M-E-T-E-R-S------------------------------------------------- ObjectName: Name of the object to process (e.g. 'c:\mydir') ObjectType: Type of object: file: Directory/file reg: Registry key srv: Service prn: Printer shr: Network share Action: Action(s) to perform: ace: Process ACEs specified by parameter(s) '-ace' trustee: Process trustee(s) specified by parameter(s) '-trst'. domain: Process domain(s) specified by parameter(s) '-dom'. list: List permissions. A backup file can be specified by parameter '-bckp'. Controlled by parameter '-lst'. restore: Restore entire security descriptors backed up using the list function. A file containing the backup has to be specified using the parameter '-bckp'. The listing has to be in SDDL format. setowner: Set the owner to trustee specified by parameter '-ownr'. setgroup: Set the primary group to trustee specified by parameter '-grp'. clear: Clear the ACL of any non-inherited ACEs. The parameter '-clr' controls whether to do this for the DACL, the SACL, or both. setprot: Set the flag 'allow inheritable permissions from the parent object to propagate to this object' to the value specified by parameter '-op'. rstchldrn: Reset permissions on all sub-objects and enable propagation of inherited permissions. The parameter '-rst' controls whether to do this for the DACL, the SACL, or both. TrusteeAction: Action to perform on trustee specified: remtrst: Remove all ACEs belonging to trustee specified. repltrst: Replace trustee 'n1' by 'n2' in all ACEs. cpytrst: Copy the permissions for trustee 'n1' to 'n2'. DomainAction: Action to perform on domain specified: remdom: Remove all ACEs belonging to trustees of domain specified. repldom: Replace trustees from domain 'n1' by trustees with same name from domain 'n2' in all ACEs. cpydom: Copy permissions from trustees from domain 'n1' to trustees with same name from domain 'n2' in all ACEs. Trustee: Name or SID of trustee (user or group). Format: a) [(computer | domain)\]name Where: computer: DNS or NetBIOS name of a computer -> 'name' must be a local account on that computer. domain: DNS or NetBIOS name of a domain -> 'name' must be a domain user or group. name: user or group name If no computer or domain name is given, SetACL tries to find a SID for 'name' in the following order: 1. built-in accounts and well-known SIDs 2. local accounts 3. primary domain 4. trusted domains b) SID string Domain: Name of a domain (NetBIOS or DNS name). Permission: Permission to set. Validity of permissions depends on the object type (see below). Comma separated list. Example: 'read,write_ea,write_dacl' IsSID: Is the trustee name a SID? y: Yes n: No DisplaySID: Display trustee names as SIDs? y: Yes n: No b: Both (names and SIDs) Inheritance: Inheritance flags for the ACE. This may be a comma separated list containing the following: so: sub-objects sc: sub-containers np: no propagation io: inherit only Example: 'io,so' Mode: Access mode of this ACE: a) DACL: set: Replace all permissions for given trustee by those specified. grant: Add permissions specified to existing permissions for given trustee. deny: Deny permissions specified. revoke: Remove permissions specified from existing permissions for given trustee. b) SACL: aud_succ: Add an audit success ACE. aud_fail: Add an audit failure ACE. revoke: Remove permissions specified from existing permissions for given trustee. Where: Apply settings to DACL, SACL, or both (comma separated list): dacl sacl dacl,sacl Recursion: Recursion settings, depends on object type: a) file: no: No recursion. cont: Recurse, and process directories only. obj: Recurse, and process files only. cont_obj: Recurse, and process directories and files. b) reg: no: Do not recurse. yes: Do Recurse. Protection: Controls the flag 'allow inheritable permissions from the parent object to propagate to this object': nc: Do not change the current setting. np: Object is not protected, i.e. inherits from parent. p_c: Object is protected, ACEs from parent are copied. p_nc: Object is protected, ACEs from parent are not copied. Format: Which list format to use: sddl: Standardized SDDL format. Only listings in this format can be restored. csv: SetACL's csv format. tab: SetACL's tabular format. What: Which components of security descriptors to include in the listing. (comma separated list): d: DACL s: SACL o: Owner g: Primary group Example: 'd,s' ListInherited: List inherited permissions? y: Yes n: No Filename: Name of a (unicode) file used for list/backup/restore operations or logging. Keyword: Keyword to filter object names by. Names containing this keyword are not processed. -R-E-M-A-R-K-S-------------------------------------------------------- Required parameters (all others are optional): -on (Object name) -ot (Object type) Parameters that may be specified more than once: -actn (Action) -ace (Access control entry) -trst (Trustee) -dom (Domain) -fltr (Filter keyword) Only actions specified by parameter(s) '-actn' are actually performed, regardless of the other options set. Order in which multiple actions are processed: 1. restore 2. clear 3. trustee 4. domain 5. ace, setowner, setgroup, setprot 6. rstchldrn 7. list -V-A-L-I-D--P-E-R-M-I-S-S-I-O-N-S------------------------------------- a) Standard permission sets (combinations of specific permissions) Files / Directories: read: Read write: Write list_folder: List folder read_ex: Read, execute change: Change profile: = change + write_dacl full: Full access Printers: print: Print man_printer: Manage printer man_docs: Manage documents full: Full access Registry: read: Read full: Full access Service: read: Read start_stop: Start / Stop full: Full access Share: read: Read change: Change full: Full access b) Specific permissions Files / Directories: traverse: Traverse folder / execute file list_dir: List folder / read data read_attr: Read attributes read_ea: Read extended attributes add_file: Create files / write data add_subdir: Create folders / append data write_attr: Write attributes write_ea: Write extended attributes del_child: Delete subfolders and files delete: Delete read_dacl: Read permissions write_dacl: Write permissions write_owner: Take ownership Registry: query_val: Query value set_val: Set value create_subkey: Create subkeys enum_subkeys: Enumerate subkeys notify: Notify create_link: Create link delete: Delete write_dacl: Write permissions write_owner: Take ownership read_access: Read control